giovedì 8 marzo 2018

                                                   MOTHER TERESA
Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia.
At a young age, she felt a calling to be a nun.Her devotion took her to Calcutta, where she founded a new order: The Missionaries of Charity.
The primary objective of this mission was to look after people.But during her way, she experienced two traumatic periods:the Bengal famine of 1943 and the Muslim violence in 1946.
She used to wear a white Indian sari with a blue border.
In 1952, she opened her first home for the dying, which allowed people to die with dignity. Mother Teresa often spent time with those who were dying.
Some have   criticised the lack of medical attention and the refusal to give painkillers.
In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but she gave the $192,000 to the poor.
She died in 1997 in Calcutta because of health problems.Mother Teresa was formally beatified in 2003 by Pope John Paul II.
 Quote by Mother Teresa “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”                   

martedì 31 ottobre 2017

Sutton Hoo

Sutton Hoo is the site of two Anglo-Saxon cemeteries dating to the 6th and the 7th centuries CE and is located in Woodbridge,Suffolk,in England.One contained a ship burial including a wealth of Anglo-Saxon artefacts.Other sites had produced significant finds, been looted.                                           The ship-burial, probably dating from the early 7th century,was excavated in 1939 after the investigation of the  archaeologist Basil Brown.                                                                                                                 In the centre of the ship was a chamber with an enormous coffin and all the belongings of someone important.                                                                                                                                                    In Saxon times it was believed that a king, a prince or a great warriorneeded all his belonging for his new life in the next world.The mystery of Sutton Hoo is that no evidence of a body was found!

giovedì 12 ottobre 2017

The story of Balto

Balto was a Siberian husky born in 1923 in Nome,Alaska.
He spent the early part of his life as part of a dog team that transported supplies to miners.
He was considered to be an inferior or a slow-working dog.
On January 1925,several Inuit children were diagnosed with diphteria,a disease that causes suffocation.If diphteria is not treated in time, the bacteria produces a powerful poison that causes several problems, such as heart failure or paralysis.
Without anti-toxin to combat it, the disease would quickly spread to all of  the children in Nome.
After telegraphs,the only serum was found in Anchorage.A train would be able to transport the medicine until the city of Nenana.
A way needed to be found to traverse the last kilometres.
In Anchorage the serum was packed in a cylinder.The package left Anchorage by train on Monday and arrived the next night.
In Nenana,the package was handed off to a musher named Gunner Kessen.
His sled dog team,led by Balto,covered the last kilometres under a strong blizzard.At the end,the dogs were too tired,but the serum was successfully delivered.